Seu carrinho está vazio.
Seu carrinho está vazio.
Santa Teresa is golden as Rio should be. A place where centuries stare at each other and begin to play. A neighborhood of views and sunrises that awakens the inner child and tousles the future. Materializing this portal, that of the dressing of clothes is like playing in revelry, memory, and desire.
Today’s runway show is a celebration, a drawing of a spell among the arts. We toast to sounds and colors. In Santa, we commemorate 10 years of Handred. We dance on silk cobblestones: some rigid, in strips, some fluttering. Some cut, some wide. One single motif, strolling through heights and widths. Pieces that connect us to so many compasses.
The aqueducts are solar and ripple. Nostalgic taffeta arcs over the shantung – our manual labor in larger, architectural streaks. When creativity is free, we gain paths.
The historic tiles inspire organic organza lines. Time is born in foliage in grouts. The life of ferns grows, spread out along the slopes, and overlooks, in the shadows of the Paineiras.
The collection, to gain structure, dresses as samba, jazz, and wind. The palette is hot, it is like the moment. Embroidered bars, painted scenes, translucent volumes. Frames appear – new to us – as a stage for our fabrics. The glass, in infinite little tubes, shines with the brightness that this homage must have.
Before our presentation, the context: was a mini-documentary with figures from the neighborhood. Forces that inhabit, construct and build there. Sandra, Diógenes, Arjan, Luzia, Fabiano and Clara.
We also echo the contours of Heitor dos Prazeres, the colors of Djanira, and the chords of Pixinguinha. Everything that makes Santa Teresa’s eternal curves vibrate. Mysteries. Beats. Beauty.
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WhatsApp +55 21 99225-0961
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 9 AM to 6 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 12 PM
GMT -03:00 time
Handred CNPJ 22.193.483/0001-20 Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 895, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brasil.