Seu carrinho está vazio.
Seu carrinho está vazio.
Straight lines
The poetry of the time
At the beginning of the century,
And the modernity in the city
Opposing in the body
The lightness and stiffness
With and without religiosity
Windows and doors with expressive lines
Lines and stitches in silks and embroidery
The topography of the city from the above colors
Who wears and
Who uses simplicity
Folds, pleats, and seams
Pleat the idea of marked time
Gold, history, and proportions
A daydream, a real Brazil.
The linen, with memory and affection
Delves into diversity
Arms are bent and the chest is released
In the country that today bleeds with reality.
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Cadastre-se, ganhe 10% de desconto na primeira compra e fique por dentro do universo HANDRED
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Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 9 AM to 6 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 12 PM
GMT -03:00 time
Handred CNPJ 22.193.483/0001-20 Av. Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 895, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brasil.