Case, with Chay Suede and Laura Neiva - Valentine's Day Giveaway
Watch our Valentine's Day film and get access to exclusive backstage photos. When you purchase clothing from May 29th to June 12th, you can enter to win a night at the Fairmont Rio. See the rules here. READ MORE
Handred in Art in Fashion: MASP Renner - Our pieces
We present our 3 pieces created together with the artist Ayrson Heráclito that are part of the exhibition Art in Fashion: MASP Renner at MASP. The creation of these pieces was possible through many meetings, classes with exchange of knowledge, and in-depth research combined with the work of the Handred atelier team. READ MORE
Handred in Art in Fashion: MASP Renner - Clothing as a work of art
Learn about the history of MASP's clothing collection that changed the way fashion and art were viewed in Brazil and that we are now part of along with other designers and artists. READ MORE
Frevo, Mangueira, and Ants - Carnival Special
February 8, 2024 The mixture of the sacred and the profane brings together different intentions in a spicy cauldron, and the beauty of the party lies in this fearless delivery of intensity. Art is also a huge feast of different views and intentions and has the ability to re-signify the past through the eyes of the present. We have selected three artistic works that historically relate Carnival to the present, freely but intentionally. Read More
Cupid, by Renata Aragão
"Married, a partner, and collaborator with Fernando for almost 13 years, we shaped the Institute with Sergio still alive, and today we run, together, the Sergio Rodrigues Atelier and the Sergio Rodrigues Institute." Read More
Sitting Back With Sergio Rodrigues and Handred
In that house in Botafogo, where the Sergio Rodrigues Institute is now headquartered, I accompanied the man himself, choosing the drawings/cartoons that would decorate the space where his furniture was exhibited. Traits that blend inspiration and technique, the air the artist breathed and the tools he used from boy to architect, the Brazilian cultural references and the artisanal and mathematical formulas of making something then depreciated into something valuable. Read More
Homo Ludens, or an architectural conversation in a circle with Sergio Rodrigues Ligia Nobre
It was the afternoon of August 15 th, 2014, in an informal and affectionate conversation circle with Sergio Rodrigues, when this meeting took place, which, nine years later, is being shared here for the first time. Read More
Conversations with hands, by Adélia Borges
Sergio’s drawings reveal the thoughts behind the furniture, his vision of the future embedded in them – a conception of tropical living, pleased with life, comfortable, free, Brazilian. There is no doubt that he wasn’t copying anything or anyone. Informal, good-humored, vibrant with life, his works bring forth the human being not only for scale reference, but they make it clear that wellbeing and friendly coexistence among people were the designer’s ultimate objective. Read More
André Namitala, Introduction to Sergio
"I´ve always loved spacious, comfortable pieces where the body can dance, breathe, and sprawl out. Later, I discovered that Sergio Rodrigues spoke the same language when creating a chair." See More
Perspective, by Fernando Mendes
The countless characters that Sergio Drew, as well as his self-caricatures throughout his 60 years of creation, express humanity with gestures, movements, paraphernalia and clothing. We can say that Sergio had some fascination with fashion, in his very unique Sergio Rodrigues way of being. See More
Cuiabá Print - The chess match between circles and rectangles, by Marina Dias Teixeira
Despite their simplified construction, the pieces in the Cuiabá line retain the characteristics of this great master: aesthetics, comfort, innovation and finish.
These very qualities apply masterfully to Handred’s clothing. See More
These very qualities apply masterfully to Handred’s clothing. See More
Universe and Orbits, Vinicius Alencar
This partnership celebrated in the Handred Sergio Rodrigues Collection is not just about clothing, but about identification, legacy, and craftsmanship. There's an intoxicating scent of nostalgia in the air, movements that capture the eye, and prints that bring smiles. Modernism stripped of the past and dressed in freedom, in its broadest sense. READ MORE